At Deborah, healthcare is still about caring...for patients and team members. That's why we offer an outstanding Benefits Package, which includes family healthcare coverage for team members in regularly budgeted positions of at least 30 hours per week. The benefits package also includes generous Paid Time-Off, extensive Disability benefits, meal discount, Dependent Care Subsidy, and Adoption Assistance. These benefits are designed to fit the diverse needs of our team members in order for them to manage the real-life goals and concerns they face on a daily basis.
Click on a benefit below to learn more.
Medical Plans
Includes coverage for Hospital, Medical, Surgical, Wellness/Preventive and Vision Care.
Dental Plans
Includes coverage for Preventive, Basic, Major and Orthodontic Dental Services.
Employee Assistance Plan (EAP)
A confidential program designed to help team members and dependents address personal, work, or family problems.
Paid Personal Time
Non-physician/department head/executive staff earn PPT each pay period based on position, budgeted hours and employment date. Bi-weekly accrual provides pay for short-term time-off various types (i.e. vacation, holidays, short-term illness, personal or family needs). Between 24 and 29 days per year for employees in 40 hour/week positions.
Disability Insurance
Long Term Disability: To provide income in the event of long term illness/injury. 60% income continuation up to defined monthly maximum available to team members in regularly bugeted positions of at least 30 hours per week. Fully employer-paid premiums!
Temporary Disability Insurance (NJ): 85% of average weekly wage up to defined state maximum after appropriate use of PTO.
Family Leave Insurance (NJ): 85% of average weekly wage up to defined state maximum.
Unemployment Insurance
Financial assistance while unemployed. Not to exceed state weekly maximum.
Tuition Assistance
Assistance for approved education courses related to present position or advancement. Percentage tuition reimbursed based on status & hire date. Not all courses/programs are eligible or covered. Contact HR for specific information.
COBRA (Temporary Benefit Continuation)
The opportunity for Qualified Beneficiaries to purchase temporary continuation of coverage if a qualifying event occurs that results in loss of group health benefits. Example qualifying events include divorce; dependent reaching max age limit (e.g.; 26); termination of employment; death.
Credit Union
The convenience of savings through payroll deductions.
Employee Health Service (at Center)
Post-offer physical, periodic physical exam every three years and "Well@Work" urgi-care services, free for all team members.
Free Parking
Free Parking at Center.
Commuter Benefit
Enables you to set aside pre-tax dollars to purchase certain eligible mass transportation services for travel between your residence and Deborah.
Voluntary Disability and Critical Illness Insurance
Able to purchase individual policies via payroll deductions.
Vision Care Plan
Includes coverage for routine examination, frames, and lenses/contact lenses. Discounted pricing also available.
Prescription Drug Plan
Includes coverage for Retail and Mail Order facilities.
Wellness Program
Provided automatically to members covered on the Deborah Medical Plans. Wellness Program provides education, support and multiple related resources. Deborah supplements this program with incentives designed to encourage active participation.
Life & Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance (Group-Term)
Coverage provided to team members in regularly budgeted positions of at least 20 hours per week.
Fully employer-paid premiums!
Life & Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance (Voluntary-Term)
Able to purchase additional coverage for yourself and immediate family.
Workers' Compensation
NJ: 70% of average weekly wage up to state maximum.
Fully employer-paid premiums!
Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)
Health Care: Enables you to set aside pre-tax dollars which are reimbursed to you once you've incurred eligible out-of-pocket health care expenses. Debit card available for payment of claims.
Dependent Day Care: Enables you to set aside pre-tax dollars which are reimbursed to you once you've incurred eligible out-of-pocket dependent day care expenses. Deborah will match 6% of your pre-tax savings for eligible dependent care costs. Team members bugeted to work less than 20 hours/week are not eligible for subsidy.
**While Deborah does not provide on-site day care services, it does support many work/life needs of its team members, including day care. For eligible team members who participate in the Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account, Deborah will match 6% of their contribution to help financially support day care needs. In addition, our Employee Assistance Plan offers free day care ‘finder’ services to help locate providers in an area of interest.
Adoption Assistance
Assistance for eligible adoption expenses.
401(k) Retirement Plan
Team member Contributions available from hire date for all eligible team members. Immediate investing! Pre- or Post-tax available.
Employer Matching Contribution of the first 4% of voluntary team member contribution available to begin after 90 days of employment. Vesting after 3 credible years of employment.
Direct Deposit
Provides automated deposit of payroll check.
Meal Benefit
25% discount on meal in Center cafeteria and coffee shop on scheduled shifts.
Voluntary Whole Life Insurance
Able to purchase individual policy for yourself and/or family via payroll deduction.
Voluntary Long Term Care Insurance
Able to purchase individual policy for yourself and/or family. A plan that protects assets should one become disabled and require care above what medical insurance will cover.
Voluntary Auto/Home Insurance
Able to purchase individual policies. Offers the convenience of making these payments through a payroll deduction as well as offering competitive rates.
Various other discounts available for retail and entertainment establishments.
This document is intended to provide a general overview of the benefit offerings available to Deborah employees. Specific information pertaining to benefits, eligibility, limitations, exclusions and other related items can be found in the applicable plan documents or policies, or by contacting the carrier. Oral or written claims that differ from that which are stated in the documents governing those plans should not be relied upon - the provisions of those documents shall govern. Deborah reserves the right to unilaterally increase, decrease, cancel or add to the benefits outlined in this overview without prior notice. Deborah in no way intends to make any recommendations for or endorsements of any particular benefit or provider noted herein. Personal benefit decisions are an individual responsibility.